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Megan Perez

Evolved Body Art

I have been piercing professionally since 2004. My career began here at Evolved in 2002 when I apprenticed under Nick Wolak. I couldn’t have had a better teacher! I’ve traveled north to Canada, south to Mexico, and all across the U.S.A. with Evolved, learning and gathering information to become a better person and a better piercer. My favorite piercing to do is the nostril. There is something about having your fingers inside someone else’s nose that instantly breaks the ice! I really enjoy making people feel good and adding a shnazzy piercing to your collection is an awesome way to do that.

I have two cray cray adorb doggies, Petate and Gerty. They are the loves of my life! Update: We’ve added six chickens to the family! Princess Buttercup, Salt, Peppa, Big Red, Little Red, and Blondie are my newest babies! One of my girls just started laying eggs!

I am also an EMT-Paramedic for a local company in Columbus and Southern Ohio. Piercing started me on the path to the medical field and I plan to continue on into nursing. Both of my jobs lend a hand to the other. I enjoy learning about the human body and all the amazing things we are able to do.

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